During my adulthood I have seen a steady and growing deterioration of the integrity of our public elections. It’s not been, however, the kind of misguided and anti-American actions of Jan. 6. Rather it’s been the deception of candidate qualifications and outrageous accusations leveled against opponents. This campaign season is no exception with Ryan Zinke versus Monica Tranel and James Brown versus Ingrid Gustafson.
How can anyone of any age get excited at U.S. politics with the kind of mudslinging, inaccurate, untruthful, ridiculous campaign ads that get run. They certainly should be easy to write because one person is always “fair, impartial, hardworking, independent” and the other “extreme, partisan, funded by dark money, a puppet.” To me it should be libelous and fraudulent. Campaigns and PACs should be legally forced to provide “truth in advertising” and focus on policy differences. Most ads make me NOT want to vote.
So, for those who believe elections are being stolen … you’re right! We’re being lied to by all sides and given no facts upon which to make informed and truly independent decisions. Pretty sad, right.
Pat Malone
Columbia Falls