To all the candidates on the mid-term ballot, and to all future candidates: If you really want to capture the attention of the voter, and you truly want to be in whatever office, STOP your character assassinations! If that’s the best you can do, you don’t deserve a vote. Here’s an idea: Why don’t you tell us how YOU plan to “fix” things, or whatever slogan you happen to be running on. Why not tell us why YOU are the best choice, instead of telling us how horrible the “other guy” is. I’m only speaking for myself, but I’d wager there are lots more voters that would echo what I’m feeling. I couldn’t care less what your political affiliation is, because I’m not seeing anything short of lip service from any of you! This is getting worse every time an election happens. Oh, and one more idea: Knock off the text messages and the spam phone calls. I think we’ve all had enough.
Dale Veile
Columbia Falls