As a Republican, I read with sadness U.S. Rep. Matt Rosendale’s stated decision to ally himself with Marjorie Taylor Greene and the historically ignorant, pro-Russian fringe of the Republican Party. His simplistic reasoning reminded me of a quote of Rheinhold Niebur, a very pragmatic theologian and author of the sobriety prayer: “Ultimately evil is done not so much by evil people, but by good people who do not know themselves and who do not probe deeply.”
Rosendale, by not probing deeply into integrity, truth, justice, and the art of governing, exhibits a willful ignorance of global actualities and national realities. His head-in-the-sand approach may give him short-term political relevance in Montana, but likely very short term. Isolationist actors are invariably overwhelmed by their appalling inability to understand the future in terms of the mistakes of the past.
Glenn Schiffman