
Let’s Provide Montanans Immediate Tax Relief

We can help Montanans receive immediate tax relief and alleviate some of the financial hardship taxpayers have been facing since 2020

By Amy Regier

Montana currently has over a $2 billion dollar surplus even after a 2021 reduction of income taxes. Rather than using this excess taxpayer money to expand government, I want to see the return of this money back to you, the taxpayer. House Bill 192 is the means to do this.

House Bill 192 directs $650 million be returned to taxpayers with individual income tax rebates, based on 2021 Montana individual income tax return. A taxpayer filing individually or married but filing separately will receive $1,250. For a married couple filing together in 2021, the rebate will be $2,500. 

I believe that by supporting HB 192, we can help Montanans receive immediate tax relief and alleviate some of the financial hardship taxpayers have been facing since 2020 while also limiting the growth of government. The money belongs to you, the taxpayer! 

Amy Regier 