Similar to what we did in June and September, let’s look at the quantity of parcels sold (bars, using left axis range) by city and acreage range (1-5 and 6-10), from January 1 through December 3 (for the past 4 years). 2020 and 2021 were the stand-out years, for quantities.
I sorted the cities by most-to-least expensive (1-5-acre range), in median sold price per acre (lines, same colors, using right axis range). Polson and Bigfork have shown the tightest per acre sold price (with slow rise), across the 4 years in the 6-10-acre range. Polson has also had the shallowest rise in the 1-5-acre range, while the other four cities made big jumps during 2022.
Richard Dews is CEO of Glacier Flathead Real Estate, a Flathead-based real estate software and services company.