The Evergreen Chamber of Commerce would like to acknowledge our Flathead County commissioners’ effort to bring the issue of homelessness to the forefront of community conversation.
Business leaders in Evergreen have been at the epicenter of the homeless issue for many years, and feel that, in partnership with the commissioners’ initiative, the time is right to form a task force to:
1) To better understand what makes up the valley’s homeless. Proportionately, what percentage are displaced families who simply can’t afford a place to live? How many are veterans who have not been able to receive the care that they deserve? How many are drug users who a) would accept help and council if it were made available or b) distrustful or disinterested in getting help? Apparently, the commissioners have been working on this for several months. We would anticipate that supporting data exists and we ask the commissioners to share it.
2) To formulate an action plan that involves community support and reasonable county services to address the above.
The Evergreen Chamber of Commerce would like to contribute to finding a solution to a very complicated problem. We come to the commissioners with open hands and open hearts. We offer the commissioners our time and effort in conjunction with their task force with the goal to help find solutions that reflect who we are as a community.
Board of Directors
Evergreen Chamber of Commerce