What a community we are privileged to be part of! Thank you to the 250 plus Columbia Falls and Flathead Valley residents who showed up to learn about and express your concerns about the proposed plan for the cleanup of the Columbia Falls Aluminum Company (CFAC) Superfund site. We very much appreciate the efforts of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) staff to present information, answer questions, and listen deeply to our concerns during the two open houses and evening presentations. We appreciate CFAC for bringing together many of their contractors who wrote or advised on the cleanup plan, who were also available both days to answer the public’s questions. We look forward to facilitating more conversation between our community members, with the support of some independent consultant expertise, as we work together toward a shared vision of success for the cleanup of the CFAC site. While we learned a lot from these sessions, we came away with more questions, as we are sure many of you did as well. Time to make a list of those questions and we will be reaching out for your feedback in the near future to help us develop the focus of some future meetings.
Coaltion for a Clean CFAC
Peter Metcalf
Phil Matson
Shirley Folkwein
Del Phipps
Laura Damon
Mayre Flowers