I would like to thank the Flathead County Library Board of Trustees for deciding NOT to vote on a new logo at the April 25 board meeting as part of their process in their re-branding of our Flathead County Library System. Several board members and members of the community urged for greater transparency and public input in the important process of choosing a logo and signage to represent our community library for the years to come. We understand that “Imagine If” has been a thorn in their side for too long, an idea that is just too “woke,” but we do appreciate the option to allow for public input on the new look for the library logo. The details are being worked out for this public process, which will allow the public to weigh in on five different logo submissions. A huge thanks to the members of the public who sent in their beautiful work. The board reserves the right to have the final say, but let’s at least show them that our community cares deeply about our library, how its public face looks and represents our unique and special community here in the Flathead Valley, and how proud we are to live here!
Valeri McGarvey