
The Company Sheehy Keeps

Montanans deserve senators who will work across the aisle to get things done

By Edward Salmon

What would Tim Sheehy actually do if Montana sent him to the Senate? The vague “issues” page of his website doesn’t tell us much – it shows very little sign of original thought on any policy, and reads like it was written by a handful of interns he borrowed from Steve Daines’ staff at the NRSC. Besides, why should we trust any of his promises? He has proven over and over again that he lies reflexively about virtually everything, including where he grew up, where his money comes from, and when, how many times, and in what manner he was wounded in combat.

Probably the clearest sign of what kind of senator Sheehy would be is the company he keeps. When he wants to launch flagrantly misleading attacks on Jon Tester’s voting record, for example, he can’t think up his own talking points. Instead, he goes on social media and reposts propaganda from people like Stephen Miller and Tommy Tuberville. Tuberville is widely regarded as the stupidest sitting senator and keeps going on TV to parrot the Kremlin’s lies about Ukraine. Miller is the repulsive racist ghoul who was the main driving force behind the Trump administration’s inhumane child separation policy, which ripped innocent children from their mothers’ arms at the border, sent them hundreds or thousands of miles away, and lost track of them so that in some cases the families can never be reunited.

When he wanted to dismiss the many things Tester has accomplished for veterans, incredibly Sheehy reposted an attack by Representative Ronny Jackson, who still goes around calling himself an admiral even though he was demoted after retirement to captain due to misconduct. Specifically, he was caught drinking while on duty as the White House doctor, sexually harassing and verbally abusing women, and inappropriately handing out mind-altering prescription drugs without any diagnosis. Jackson is certainly no exemplar of the honor, duty, or leadership Sheehy claims to care so much about.

When Marjorie Taylor Greene endorsed him, Sheehy replied that he was “honored to receive” the endorsement and that he “looked forward to working with her.” Montanans deserve senators who will work across the aisle to get things done, like Jon Tester does. Members of Congress like Greene and Tuberville are the opposite. They yell, scream, and say the most outrageous things they can think of to attract attention and get on TV, while throwing sand in the gears of any actual legislative productivity. If these are the people Sheehy looks up to, we should keep him far away from Washington and send him back to St. Paul instead.

Edward Salmon
Columbia Falls