Republicans want to take your rights away. Don’t believe me? Google Project 2025.
Project 2025 is a plan created by the Heritage Foundation that will be enacted starting day one if the GOP wins the presidency. It will take your rights away.
The plan is authoritarian and Christian nationalist and threatens separation of powers (as created by the U.S. Constitution), separation of church and state (created by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights) and civil liberties.
Republicans will take your rights, the rights given to you by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and will replace them with their authoritarian version of the United States. A version where birth control is illegal, discrimination is legal, the environment is destroyed and political vengeance is not only allowed, it’s encouraged.
How do we stop Project 2025? We elect Democrats. Not just for President but up and down the ballot. We need to vote Democrat to ensure that our government can protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights from this right wing extremism.
Amy Weeks
Columbia Falls