I have always been wary of partisan politics, which is why I remain a committed independent voter. It’s also one reason why I came away so favorably impressed after a recent presentation by gubernatorial candidate Ryan Busse.
Busse kept his talk tightly focused on Montana, beginning with his commitment to our state constitution. One of the best crafted documents of its kind in the country, it serves as an effective guarantee of Montana citizens’ liberties. Busse came across as its passionate defender. It seems worth asking how much taxpayer money the current administration has wasted trying to defend (unsuccessfully) policies that were clearly unconstitutional in the first place.
We then moved on to issues of importance to everyday Montanans who are not awash in outside money: property taxes, public schools, wildlife management. As an avid outdoorsman, I am particularly concerned about the third on that list. Busse correctly points out regulatory changes overseen by the current administration not only grant wealthy non-residents hunting opportunities equal to those of us who live here, but that are often better. This is an outrage, and correcting it will require a change of leadership in Helena.
Busse outlined this agenda with no allusion to outside partisan politics. The discussion was all about Montana, how it is changing in ways those of us who live here don’t like, and what needs to be done about it. I encourage those who share these concerns to join me in supporting Ryan Busse’s candidacy.
Don Thomas