Winter Solstice passed and the days are again getting longer. It’s time for the Sugar Plum Fairy and Kris Kringle to run the day. At least today. Maybe yesterday. Tomorrow it’s back to work for many as Father Christmas only allows little time to winter.
Most of us want more of Christmas than our Two Front Teeth, from the 1944 song by public school teacher Donald Yetter Gardner who noted that almost all of his music students had at least one front tooth missing.
It’s time that Saint Nicholas deliver free dental care for the rest of us. “If wishes were horses, beggers would ride,” is how 17th century William Camden put it. It’s clearer that the new Congress won’t much help anyone beyond gazillionaires who already have everything free.
Our stockings aren’t hung by the fireplace, no one really has those anymore. Maybe you still honor Saint Nicholas Day. Here’s what I’d like to pull out of my childhood stocking, beyond that elusive worldwide peace thingy.
Laughter. Let the New Year be filled with the merriment befitting the Roaring Twenties. It’s tough out there but laugh plenty with good friends and don’t make everything so serious. Just serious enough is fine, not overboard. Best of luck.
Friendship. I mean really, we need friends. Good ones, even a bad one. Hold them tight. It’s weird how many crotchety old men freely yell at everyone else, all the time, like it’s normal. Friends are free and keep it sane. Contact yours.
Enough. I hope you got enough, no more, no less. Most get way more than we need. Be grateful, share some with the rest of the Flathead. Many don’t have enough. I mean really, now many different shoes can you actually wear in a week? No need to answer.
Sanity. We need it. It’s a lot to ask of today’s America. But hey, it’s Christmas and Santa Claus asked for a wish list. And what’s saner than Santa and Christmas? Wrong answers only please.
More Justice. The kids beat the State. Montana Supreme Court ruled 6-1 that people today and tomorrow have a right to a livable planet. What a great Christmastime verdict. The kids are amazing. The youth are acting on climate change like it’s their future, their pale blue dot.
Less AI. How much artificial intelligence do you need? Seems we got plenty enough to deny your health insurance claims, refuse you home insurance, overcharge you rent, jack up housing costs, dictate the news you like, and fire people across the planet. Never mind the dozen new power plants needed to run the devious machines overshadowing life.
Accountability. If you voted for a ‘F@#*!’ blowhard and they won, and now run our government, Happy Holidays to you. You own a special obligation to assure they don’t loot the treasuries and rob us all blind. Don’t just watch, do something, you voted for the chaos. It’s your show. In actuality, a quarter million voters in three states decided the national election. The other 155 million of us don’t much count in American political math where winner takes all.
Fairness. The upcoming Montana budget contains $200 million in onetime surplus revenues left untouched from the 2023 state revaluation of existing homes and small businesses, another $300 million in ongoing state property tax increases compounded by the 2023 and 2025 state reappraisal of home and business, and a meager $27 million in homestead exemptions masking as tax relief for select homes. Do the math. That’s not fair, not that the State or Santa care.
Dignity. Show us the respect warranted by a full day’s work. We imagine it’s hard being a gazillionaire who runs Montana and America but a little respect for the rest of us goes a long way in today’s hardworking world, where nothing is free to the working person.
Hope. Keep her alive. I know she’s on life support now that AI denied her medical claim to live longer. But have faith, hope is strong and a little grace goes a long way to heal her back to life.
Free Leonard Peltier. Enough is enough. Fifty years, my God, have mercy. Free the man, Mr. President. Just do it. Do it today. Be the light, Joe Biden.
Lastly, I selfishly seek a little licorice in my long stocking. Not that red kind, that’s just candy. Black licorice, not too salty, not too sweet. As artist Jerry Garcia noted “Not everybody likes licorice, but the people who like licorice really like licorice.” A little is simple happiness.
My Christmas believers, follow your North Star. Even during the wintery days of Montana, we know the difference between right and wrong, fair and unfair. Stick together, be joyous, and laugh into the New Year. Do good work. Go outside and enjoy snow time.
I thank you for the year we’ve spent together. I’m grateful for life and family, indebted by your kindness and generosity. Father Time is gripping onto power with the last of his might but ultimately must make way for Baby New Year. Time waits for no one. Youth will lead the way.