
Reauthorize Medicaid Expansion in Montana for the Benefit of American Indians and All Montanans

Medicaid Expansion has been a lifeline for thousands of American Indians in the state

By Bryce Kirk

As the Chairman and representative of the Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council (RMTLC), we urge Montana’s policymakers to prioritize the reauthorization of Medicaid Expansion during the 2025 legislative session. In Montana, American Indians experience health disparities causing our people to die 20 years earlier than our white counterparts.

Medicaid Expansion has been a lifeline for thousands of American Indians in Montana, many of whom face systemic barriers to healthcare access. The program has helped reduce chronic health disparities, ensuring that members of our communities receive preventive care, treatment for illnesses, and mental health services. This has not only improved health outcomes but also saved lives.

Reauthorizing Medicaid Expansion not only helps to address health equity – it makes fiscal sense. The program brings new federal dollars into the state and strengthens rural and Tribal healthcare infrastructure by providing financial stability to hospitals and clinics that provide critical care in Montana’s most underserved areas, including in our Tribal communities.

Before the passage of the Affordable Care Act on the federal level and the subsequent passage of Medicaid Expansion at the state level, Montana ranked first among states with the highest number of uninsured American Indians. Medicaid Expansion has helped to increase insurance coverage for American Indians in Montana, and we continue to see positive impacts throughout our Tribal nations.

We call on our legislators to work together to protect this vital program and, in doing so, to protect the health, dignity, and futures of American Indians in Montana.

Bryce Kirk, chairman
Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council