
Environmentalists Like Hammer Cost Us Jobs

I’ve seen what they’ve done in Lincoln County

By Clare Hafferman

Now that I’ve seen his face, I can also see the man who made many of my customers, friends, loggers, mill workers and many other people in Lincoln County go without jobs. Environmentalists like Keith Hammer helped make that happen. Logging in western Montana is virtually gone, unemployment is high and jobs, except those for government, are difficult to find. People like Hammer tie things up in court – using litigation as their way of getting what they want. I’ve seen what they’ve done in Lincoln County.

Look around if you live there and decide if there is a booming economy caused by people like Hammer. I liked it better when we had loggers and mill workers and people employed because of them – not by holier-than-thou environmentalist like Mr. Hammer.

Clare Hafferman