
Police Blotter

Flathead County Sheriff’s and Kalispell Police Reports

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Lost Sheep


7:30 a.m. A Lakeside resident complained that a reckless man on a motorcycle passes him every morning traveling at a rate of at least 100 mph.

8:23 a.m. Dogs were, and are possibly still are, loose on Lawrence Lane.

8:29 a.m. A Bigfork woman found some stray sheep and put them in her back yard.

10:13 a.m. An Evergreen woman reported that while she was in the shower she heard a man in her house talking to her dogs. When she got out she found that her power box had been stolen. She suspects her landlord.

10:40 a.m. A Columbia Falls man found some sort of “drug pipe” in his driveway.

11:08 a.m. A Shady Lane resident reported that someone stole all of her patio furniture.

12:06 p.m. A lost looking chocolate lab was seen wandering the highway through Columbia Heights.

12:49 p.m. A mustached man was seen “smoking drugs” in his Pontiac.

6:10 p.m. A Marion woman complained that her neighbor’s friend pushed her when she stopped by for a beer.

8:06 p.m. Someone called in to complain about an intoxicated and generally creepy man was wandering down Canyon Road in Hungry Horse.

10:45 p.m. Reportedly, someone in a multicolored hatchback  whizzed down an alley in Whitefish at a high rate of speed.