
Commissioners Must Protects Our Community

If this isn’t rejected by our commissioners it sets a dangerous precedent

By Larry Parsons

The Flathead County commissioners mission statement: “The Board of County Commissioners provides for responsive and accountable services to protect and enhance the Flathead community.” And mustn’t every law, regulation, plan, and service our government provides place the well-being, protection, and safety of community ahead of the individual? It seems we can get so lost in the details we forget the mission. Sometimes the community is given a voice but not a vote.

The 1994 “Canyon Plan” was the vote for the West Glacier community in opposing new major developments in rural and residential areas. This community of the Middle Canyon and in particular the residents of Lake 5 pleads to protect what has been enjoyed as a pristine environment for generations of residents and recreationists alike. The Canyon Regulatory Use Plan’s objectives were to follow the goals and policies of the Canyon Plan. In recent actions the trusted servants of the Flathead County Planning and Zoning, and the Planning Board, disregarded the objectives of Canyon Regulatory Use Plan’s and the Canyon Plan and placed ahead of community, nature, and our way of life to honor an individual’s request for profit. Twenty-plus residents pleaded with the Planning Board to reject this development proposal disguised as request for “five cabins.” Five or so employees or contractors working the developer spoke in favor.

Comments offered by Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks stated that this project will also be destructive to the grizzly bear, bald eagles, Canada lynx, and other species, as well as to the water quality impacts to Lake 5.

If this isn’t rejected by our commissioners it sets a dangerous precedent for allowing for future developments and a total change in the way and enjoyment of life of out here in the woods near Glacier Park. It also throws away years of citizens efforts to keep what we have. Commissioners, honor your mission, protect our community.

Larry Parsons
West Glacier