
Parce a Breath of Fresh Air

With Jason Parce’s personal and hands-on experience of the past 15 years as a peace officer he has lived and seen the issues our community is experiencing

By Amber Golliday

As a Flathead citizen I have watched our community speedily declining with the uptake in crime, drugs, and recklessness. We have lost our community where we felt safe and protected. I’m very concerned for my children and grandchildren and what their future will be like growing up here in the days to come. 

With Jason Parce’s personal and hands-on experience of the past 15 years as a peace officer he has lived and seen the issues our community is experiencing. 

As county commissioner he pledges to be proactive in protecting, serving and leading our community by putting all of our Montana values first. 

With the ever-increasing homelessness, mental health issues and substance abuse we are seeing here, Jason Parce will make this his focus. He will also focus on affordable housing, private property rights, getting people back to work, business support, budget accountability and community advisory teams. 

He will work hard to keep our freedom and liberty. We have lost these through all the mandates that changed everything about our community and the country as a whole. Unlike his opponent Pam Holmquist, who publicly stated she was for lockdowns (and this is on public record of her saying so), Jason Parce will fight to keep our freedom and liberties that this country was founded on. 

I think it is time we remove the stagnant air we now breathe and vote in some new fresh air that we so need. Otherwise, we will continue down this path that will remove our freedoms, liberties, and our Montana values we so love and cherish. 

Amber Golliday