
Parks Committee Gets Rolling

By Beacon Staff

The Parks Committee charged with producing a vision and a plan for the new Riverfront park, and then presumably for guiding the execution of that plan,met for the first time on December 13th.

Note: Interested citizens are welcome at these meetings. The next meeting is on January 12th at 3pm, starting at City Hall Chambers and proceeding to the park property.

December 13, 2007 @ 7:00 P.M.

Present: Julie Plevel, Harvey Reikofski, Chris Tesar, Elli Jones, Sarah Dakin, Jami Belt, Jenni Jarvis, Shayne Hatfield, Stacy Jacobsen, and Leslie Bales

Public Comment – None.

Set Process & Plan for Committee: Committee members introduced themselves and their interests.

Sarah Dakin nominated Harvey Reikofski for Chairman. Tesar suggested further setting of the process first, so committee asked him to proceed with his ideas. Tesar suggested ideas for land and feels strongly need to identify all options and go through pros and cons for each – also identify costs. Look at needs and other recreational options available in CF. Tesar commented he thought could learn from the successes and failures of other towns. Belt stated felt should go to the new park for next meeting – thoughts, observations, brainstorming, etc.; and then do a strategic planning session. Plevel stated she thought the idea of three to five basic plans with a three to five year (or longer) phasing plan was a good idea. Committee seemed to agree with the phasing. Jarvis liked phasing – access, paths, low-impact entrance. Discussion of motorized/non-motorized access and limitations followed. Committee agreed they would like to meet at the park for the next meeting. Access to river will be a major issue and one of the first decisions that must be dealt with. Discussion followed regarding how to process pros and cons, justify reasoning and be able to explain decisions or recommendations to the public. Plevel suggested access for handicapped and elderly – need consideration. Belt suggested identifying the types/groups of citizens and their open space needs/wants. Dakin suggested an inventory of the park needs city wide. Also could review the previous park survey. Discussion of utilize park for educational opportunities also, would be wonderful area for nature, bird, vegetation study. With regards to the need for ADA accessibility, Jacobsen suggested a boardwalk in the slough area. Hatfield suggested a name contest – get all school kids involved. Belt suggested studying general open-space needs, not just suggestions and wants for this park.

Committee agreed would like to review the following for the next meeting:
• Community Parks Survey
• Bike Path Plan for the City of CF
• Parks Inventory for all City parks
• Demographics for the City of CF

Reikofski opened the floor for nominations. Tesar nominated Jami Belt for chairperson, and Hatfield nominated Tesar for co-chair. Reikofski stated if no other nominations the nominations were closed. Belt and Tesar were voted in as Chairman and Co-Chairman unanimously.

Subcommittee ideas and fund-raising. Tesar suggested tabling until the next meeting. Committee concurred.

Belt asked about future meeting schedule. Plevel suggested a weekend and go to the park. Committee agreed – also publicize in case of other interested persons. Committee agreed to 3 p.m. on Saturday, January 12th, and will meet in Council chambers, then proceed to the Park. Further discussion of which day of the week for meetings – Thursdays appear to work, next meeting will be January 24th at 7 p.m. Committee agreed to plan for 2nd and 4th Thursdays for meeting schedule, but will review again in the future if appears to be a problem for anyone.

Dakin made motion to adjourn, motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.