Good morning; today is Veterans Day.
On the Beacon this morning, a tough time at Semitool, which announced it was laying off 100 workers from its Kalispell and Libby facilities. Executives for Super 1 Foods inquired about moving into the old Tidyman’s building at the Kalispell City Council work session Monday. After four years of questions, the National Park Service has recommended against allowing BNSF to blast avalanche chutes above the railway route. Montana’s Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission has authorized the purchase of 160 acres on Flathead Lake’s north shore for a park. Republican Roy Brown said he lost to Gov. Brian Schweitzer by a 2-1 margin because the Democrat drastically outspent the GOP on the campaign. Another twist in the rocky history of the exclusive Yellowstone Club, as the resort for the super-rich filed for bankruptcy. The state has prepared tougher rules for oil and gas leases along the Rocky Mountain Front as it prepares to offer several tracts for leases. A number of prominent Montanans are throwing their hats into the ring for U.S Attorney and U.S. Marshal jobs with the Obama Administration. And down in Hardin, the ill-fated jail still can’t catch a break.
And finally, check out this monstrous, 85-pound Chinook salmon found in Northern California. That sucker is huge! Have a great day.