I was shocked – SHOCKED – to receive an e-mail Monday from the campaign of Barack Obama. I thought all those people were either a. on vacation, b. frantically applying for administration jobs or c. moving to moving to Minnesota or Georgia to help out in tight Senate races because they just…can’t…let go of election season. I was even more surprised to learn that this e-mail was asking me for a $30 or more donation to help dig the Democratic National Committee out of debt after building up its 50-state infrastructure. Full disclosure: I never donated to the Obama campaign. My name must have gotten on one of its e-mail lists after corresponding with campaign staffers regarding interviews or something. I don’t know. But I was still amazed to be asked, in a recession, to give money to a campaign that won the previous week. Now that’s audacity. And apparently I’m not the only one stunned by the request. Slate‘s Dahlia Lithwick says it better than me:
“It’s hard to explain why it’s so galling to be asked to donate yet more money to a campaign after the election has been decided. It’s sort of like being asked to keep planting the victory garden, years after Armistice Day. Even having achieved the presidency, Barack Obama is still counting on little old me for financial help? What’s next? Dear Dahlia, Joe Biden and I have a bunch of great ideas for fixing government. And with your $100 donation, we can ensure that the S-Chip is fully funded and that the spotted owl remains on the endangered-species list. Please watch this video and consider a contribution.
“America’s unprecedented showing of financial and emotional support helped the Obama campaign win the Oval Office. It was a beautiful thing. And I really am going to miss seeing “Barack Obama” in my inbox three times a day. But it’s high time for us voters to get back to panicking about our 401(k)s. So please stop e-mailing to ask for money. You’re president-elect now, Barack. Consider yourself cut-off.”