Earlier this month, Beacon photographer Lido Vizzutti and I featured Kalispell photographer Andrew Geiger in the Beacon’s “Expression” pages. In addition to a busy commercial photography schedule, Geiger has made it an ongoing personal project to document countries where he feels capitalistic or Western ideas are changing the culture at a rapid rate. Lido and I spent over an hour talking with Geiger, enjoying his travel stories and marveling at his images from Ethiopia – beautiful portraits and detail shots that pay particular homage to the beautiful array of body art by scarring, piercing and painting used by the Mursi tribe.
Check out Geiger’s work yourself: His gallery opens tomorrow, Jan. 22, with a free reception at 5:30 p.m. It’s located in loft #44B in the lower level of the Eastside Brick apartments, located at the site of the old Kalispell hospital on Fifth Avenue East.