Good morning; on this date in 1996 Deep Blue became the first machine to win a chess game against world champion Garry Kasparov.
On the Beacon today, Lido’s got a sick slideshow of the madness and mayhem at Whitefish’s Winter Carnival Plunge and Parade. At signing day, Flathead High sent three football players off to a Division I school, a pretty amazing feat. The request by North Shore Development LLC to salvage submerged logs from Somer Bay enters its environmental review process. Glacier Bancorp has signed a merger agreement with First National Bank & Trust of Powell, Wyoming. And Flathead High is sending an incredible 25 wrestlers to the state tournament.
Gov. Brian Schweitzer said the state could be set to receive as much as $350 million for new construction from the federal stimulus. The Missoula man convicted of stomping a homeless Navy veteran to death is asking for a new trial on grounds that his attorneys failed to disclose the involvement of a third suspect. The Billings lawmaker sponsoring a tax increase on oil and gas production to increase teachers’ salaries said he’d be open to tweaking the bill by inserting a price trigger. And another bill to regulate payday lending in Montana has come before the Legislature.
Finally, an Ohio teen has been arrested after ordering $37,000 worth of candy off of the Internet and sending the bill to his school. Have a great day,