HELENA – An inmate at the Lewis and Clark County Detention Center accused of instigating a fight between two fellow inmates has been charged with felony criminal incitement.
Sheriff Leo Dutton says 24-year-old Travis DeMichelis spurred a fight between 22-year-old Brian Olson and 19-year-old Nicholas England on Saturday night. Olson and England were charged with misdemeanor assault.
Meanwhile, 19-year-old inmate James Howe faces misdemeanor charges of disorderly conduct and criminal mischief for allegedly setting off a jail fire alarm with another suspect on the same night.
Jail officials think Howe and the other inmate, who is expected to be charged, used a contraband lighter or broke a sensor to set off the fire alarm.
The sprinkler system flooded a storage room and forced authorities to corral inmates in the recreation yard until the damage could be fixed. The jail wasn’t evacuated and inmates were allowed to return to their cells around 3:30 a.m. Sunday.