
Tights Squeeze

By Beacon Staff

Summer has just passed and so far fall is more like early winter. If you have gone into season shock like I have and need a way to slip into fall with a little more grace, do so with a great pair of tights. Tights are hot this season and not in just your typical solids like black and brown. You can find tights that are printed, faux leather, and even shimmering! This year’s tights are being worn alone as pants rather than last year’s accessory. Ladies rock your tights with an oversized sweater and a pair of great booties. Not only can you find tights in any local store, they are an inexpensive way to give your wardrobe a necessary update. This look is cozy and super fashionable so be sure when you see a funky pair of tights you incorporate them into your
wardrobe to brighten up your fallen days.