
Tester’s ‘Health Care Homefront’ and ‘Real Montanans’

By Beacon Staff

Sen. Jon Tester, who by all accounts will be voting in favor of the Senate Democrats’ health care reform plan, has started a series called “Healthcare Homefront.” In it are stories from “real Montanans” about “America’s broken health care system” that the senator will send to his e-mail subscribers.

Here’s Tester’s latest installment, a report on a Ravalli woman who can’t afford knee replacement.

As a bill creeps closer to a final vote in Congress, both Montana’s state and U.S. lawmakers are jockeying to back up their positions on how and whether to overhaul the nation’s health care system. What’s interesting, to me anyway, is both sides say they represent “real Montanans” (Republican lawmakers staked a claim to them last week).

Apparently, there is a growing number of fake Montanans. And no one wants to represent them.