

By Beacon Staff

We’re high on Heidi Roedel and low on Smurfit-Stone in our weekly news index of what’s up, down and in between…

COAL – The vote by the state Land Board allowing for leasing of the Otter Creek tracts in eastern Montana signals this fossil fuel will continue to be an energy source, despite climate concerns.
LIBBY – Sen. Max Baucus inserted a provision into the health care bill making residents of the asbestos-plagued town eligible for Medicare benefits.
CONRAD BURNS – The former Republican U.S. senator was released from a Washington D.C. hospital as he recovers from Dec. 9 stroke, and prepares to move back to Billings.
HEIDI ROEDEL – This Kalispell citizen is leading a team of volunteers in decorating the city to prepare for the imminent homecoming of the National Guard 639th QM Co.

HEALTH CARE – Bruising, late-night negotiations with moderate Democrats allows Harry Reid to cut a deal to reach 60 votes on the landmark legislation, clearing the way for its passage this year. But some on the left and all on the right call the bill disastrous. Melding it with the House bill is going to be brutal too – Merry Christmas! ¬

GRIZ – Montana lost 23-21 to Villanova in the FCS final, capping another epic season for the Griz.
SMURFIT-STONE – The repercussions of the Frenchtown mill’s closure continue to ripple outward, as the regional timber industry attempts to figure out how to adjust.
GREG BARKUS – In the same week, the Republican state senator’s trial over charges related to an August boat crash is scheduled, while Gov. Brian Schweitzer publicly smacks down his appropriation to a Kalispell construction firm for environmental cleanup.
KOOTENAI STURGEON – Stymied from spawning by the Libby Dan, wildlife officials announced efforts to save the massive fish over the last two years have failed, and fewer than 500 of them survive.