

By Beacon Staff

We’re low on 2009 and hoping for a better year in 2010 in our weekly news index of what’s up, down and in between…

MIKE WHEAT – Gov. Brian Schweitzer appoints the former Bozeman Democratic state Senator to an interim appointment on the Montana Supreme Court. He’ll have to run statewide in 2010.
COLUMBIA FALLS – A willingness by leaders here to house a new prerelease center in the interest of jobs and rehabilitating Flathead offenders shows compassion and creativity in stabilizing the economy.
HOME RESALES – Up 44 percent over the previous year, home resales surged to their highest level in three years.
BOBBY HAUCK – After seven seasons coaching the Griz, an 80-17 record and three national championship appearances, Hauck heads to Vegas to roll the dice in a bigger division. Good luck.

2010 – While the worst of the Great Recession looks to be behind us, the U.S. still faces deep challenges, and based on the health care debate, it often looks like our elected leaders can’t confront these challenges in a serious way. Luckily, Americans are a pretty tough bunch.

TOM COBURN – This Oklahoma Republican urged people to pray for something to happen to a Democrat so they couldn’t vote on health care. How’s that for arguing a bill on its merits?
BEN NELSON – This Nebraska Democrat held up the vote on health care, not based on principle, but to exploit his position and gain more Medicaid funding where other states will have to pick up the tab.
“BEST OF” LISTS – Is there anything worse than the decade- and year-end lists rehashing every sordid scandal and miserable news story you were happy to forget? We know, we’re as guilty as anyone else.
2009 – Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Lord, you were tough. Here’s to better things in 2010.