Monday 12/28
1:38 a.m. A vehicle was parked in a suspicious manner near a home on Deer Trail.
1:48 a.m. An intoxicated male subject walked out onto the Whitefish River and fell through the ice. The man was rescued and taken to the hospital.
2:19 a.m. An unwanted intoxicated transient was banging on doors at a local apartment complex.
2:33 a.m. Two men in front of a local pizzeria refused to stop fighting until the responding officer deployed a taser. Both subjects were escorted to jail.
9:39 a.m. Authorities towed a vehicle that had been left on a local golf course. Within fifteen minutes, the owner called to report it as stolen.
11:18 a.m. A man showed up at a residence on Mallard Loop and threatened his wife of five months. Everyone was calm when authorities arrived.
12:54 p.m. A 16-year-old girl refused to get into her parents’ car in Columbia Falls. The parents requested that authorities help “make her mind.”
5:43 p.m. A brown and white dog wandered onto a Trumble Creek Road property, dragging its chain behind it.
7:32 p.m. Someone expressed concern that two adults living in a fifth-wheel trailer on Pioneer Road didn’t have propane for heat. Authorities found that they did in fact have propane as well as two space heaters.
7:52 p.m. A vehicle struck a moose in Marion. The driver was fine. The moose ended up at the food bank.
9:53 p.m. Someone saw several kids walk out of a local cemetery. The reporting party felt that there might still be kids on the site.
10:11 p.m. A man and a woman engaged in an altercation on Aluminum Drive in Columbia Falls. The female subject reportedly tore the man’s shirt and chased him outside. Her vehicle wouldn’t start when she attempted to leave the premises.