If there was ever a taboo at the library, it’s having a loud party. But that’s exactly what’s happening on March 18, as the Flathead County Library Foundation hosts the “Loud at the Library” fundraiser.
The event takes place at the Main Library in Kalispell and will raise money to support library programs all over the valley, according to Flathead County Library Director Kim Crowley.
As a fundraising event, attendees will be able to bid on library furniture painted by local artists. These artists include Kalispell staples Treg Miller and Elizabeth Michelson-Jonas, along with Bigfork-based talents Jill Gotschalk and Maggie Logan. Beacon cartoonist and designer Stephen Templeton also contributed artwork.
There will also be food and drinks to go along with live music played by the Can’t Hardly Playboys. Tamarack Brewing donated beverages for the evening.
Roy Beekman, library foundation president, reported that tickets are selling fast and that there will be gift baskets raffled off during the event. He also asserted the event should be a fun time for valley residents to come out and support their local libraries.
The FCL Foundation helps fund programs and events that the current library budget cannot afford. According to Crowley, county library use has gone up 53 percent over the past five years while budgets have remained largely flat. Crowley noted that FCL Foundation funds contributed to the success of the “Big Read” program, as well as other quality programs at the library.
The “Loud at the Library” party starts at 5:30 p.m., March 18, and runs through 8 p.m. Tickets are $25 apiece and are available at the Main Library or by calling 758-5826.