The people of the Flathead County Solid Waste District, Flathead City County Health Dept, the Northwest Drug Task Force, North Valley Hospital, Bigfork Drug, Citizens for a Better Flathead, and the Flathead Chapter of Trout Unlimited are gathering together to help valley residents properly dispose of their unused prescription on Saturday, June 5.
Operation Medicine Cabinet Montana, held in multiple communities across the state, is part of Attorney General Steve Bullock’s effort to reduce prescription drug abuse in Montana. Raising awareness that flushing or pouring unwanted household medications down drains for disposal is no longer an acceptable practice is a second goal of this event. There is growing concern over studies in the state and elsewhere across the country showing increased presence of pharmaceutical products in ground water resources.
There will be three collection sites set up on June 5 for easy and free drive-up and drop-off of expired or unwanted medications:
The Flathead City-County Health Department in Kalispell, at 1035 1st Ave West, in the north parking lot, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
North Valley Hospital in Whitefish, at 1600 Hospital Way, in the south parking lot 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Bigfork Drug in Bigfork, at 8111 Highway 35, at the pharmacy, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
After the medication is dropped off, law enforcement officers take custody of it and destroy them under Drug Enforcement Administration authority at the end of the day.
According to a press release from Citizens for a Better Flathead:
Joe Russell, Director of the Flathead City/County Health Department affirmed, “The Health Department is pleased to participate in the PPCP take back program. Proper disposal of PPCPs (pharmaceutical and personal care products) will protect our valuable water resources in the Flathead and sustainable projects such as this one may establish a culture that supports the ongoing safe and proper disposal of PPCPs.”