The West Valley School District mailed out ballots last week for a $3.5-million bond that would fund a new addition to the school and possibly a new kitchen.
The primary purpose of the bond is to build a new, 18,000-square-foot south-side addition, complete with 10 classrooms, including a new science classroom, additional restrooms and storage and space for special education. The new space would also allow for all-day kindergarten.
If a new science room is built, the old one would be converted into an art room. School officials also said they might be able to stretch funds to pay for a new kitchen, or, at least, the shell of a kitchen.
There could also be renovations and improved bus drop-off areas if funding allows. But the focus is on new classroom space, according to West Valley District Clerk Cindy Foley.
The school district has seen a 33 percent student body increase in the past 10 years, and has a current enrollment of 433 students. The district estimates having more than 570 students by the 2014-2015 school year.
The $3.5-million bond comes after the school board decided against asking for $4.5 million, in an attempt to scale back during tough economic times, Foley said.
If voters pass the bond, a home with a $100,000 taxable value would see an additional $73 added on their taxes per year. Foley also said the school district is pursuing zero- and low-interest ways to pay for the bond through various state programs.
Voters have until 8 p.m. on June 15 to return their completed ballots to the school.