It’s hard to believe that a couple of weeks ago I was attempting to cross the finish line of my first 100-mile run, the Swan Crest 100, a much debated about event. Unfortunately, I was sidelined early on due to injury and was unable to finish. With heartbreak and a wounded ego set aside, I want to express my deepest gratitude to the Hammer Nutrition Crew for the planning, prep work, nutrition and hydration that went into this positive event that brought all walks of life to our beautiful area.
The SC100 is not just a long run in the woods, it is also a celebration of the lives of our fallen brothers, Cal Williams and Chris Spergeon, who played in and loved these woods. Their spirits were brightly reflected in the camaraderie and passion during this race.
So simply, thank you Hammer Nutrition Crew, the U.S. Forest Service and a very special thank you to Montana Conservation Corps – Kalispell Chapter/Youth Engaged Services for putting a foot forward and helping bring such a great and positive event to our area.
Wishing countless miles and endless smiles.
Krista M. Oge Kober