
LETTER: Experienced Teachers Aren’t Expendable

By Beacon Staff

I am a professional educator in Miami, Florida, on vacation in Kalispell with my sister and her family who are local residents.

I was so impressed by the recent story, “Wave of New Teachers Part of School Budget Solution.” Kalispell’s School District 5 has solved a budget shortfall by hiring only inexperienced teachers. Simply brilliant!

When I get back to Miami, I’m going to have my neighbor’s kid work on my truck. He’s so much cheaper than those stupid “experienced” Ford mechanics. While I’m at it, I think I’ll re-wire my house. Heck, I sort of basically know how it all works, and those pesky “experienced” electricians are so darned expensive.

Maybe our two wars overseas could be gobbling less of our national budget if we got rid of the dead wood, those “experienced” generals, colonels, commanders, etc. Let less-experienced soldiers have a crack at command, it would save a tankload of money.

I am wondering what salary cuts have been implemented at the administrative level; are principals taking a pay cut? What about the school board, the superintendent, the state office? Are they pitching in, taking less money, to help solve the budget issue? Somehow I remain doubtful.

This is not a Kalispell problem nor is it a Montana problem. My school district in Florida is just as silly, if not more so.

The education of our children is the most important issue facing America today. America cannot afford to educate our children on the cheap. Shame on you, District 5!

Hal Brooks