Sunday 4/21
9:47 a.m. A woman on Dun Movin Lane alerted deputies that her old boyfriend stole her car that happens to be in his name.
10:33 a.m. A stray pup in Somers was taken to the pound after chasing playing children.
11:43 a.m. Someone spotted graffiti inside a Kalispell bus stop.
12:27 p.m. A mom on Harmony Court complained that a stray dog ran off with her kid’s toy.
12:50 p.m. Two mutts attacked pet rabbits and cats on Kings Loop.
1:47 p.m. A Kalipsell man said that the strange kid who spent the night at his house turned out to be a thief.
3:19 p.m. A Dawn Drive resident said they loaned their lawn mower to a friend but the friend is refusing to give it back.
4:47 p.m. A man who was riding his bike on KM Ranch Road said a dog ran out and bit him on the leg and that he was bleeding “all over.”
5:45 p.m. A 19-year-old male in Somers admitted to driving like an “idiot” after a fellow driver tattled on him.
7:28 p.m. A Columbia Falls woman was counseled after physically kicking her 14-year-old son out of their trailer.
12:13 a.m. A cow, a red Angus to be exact, was standing in the middle of Helena Flats Road. Deputies were unable to find the cow.
3:39 a.m. Someone out walking their dog on Ashley Drive called in about a girl who was sleeping outside under a lamp post. She was fine and returned to the
home where she was staying.
3:51 a.m. According to a Martin City man, many strange things were going on. The deputy was unable to validate his statements.
4:57 a.m. The same Martin City man reported knowing of someone doing “fantasy tricks.” It is unknown whether or not the man had been drinking.