The Montana Department of Transportation will hold an informational meeting in Bigfork on July 14 to discuss its proposal to replace the bridge on Highway 82 known as Sportsman’s Bridge.
The public informational meeting will be held at the Bigfork Elementary School cafeteria on Thursday, July 14, at 6 p.m. The school is located at 600 Commerce St.
The bridge spans the Flathead River between Highway 82’s junctions with U.S. Highway 93 to the west and MT Highway 35 to the east, located at reference marker 5.6 roughly three miles northwest of Bigfork.
According to a press release from MDT, the proposed improvements include replacing the bridge to meet current roadway standards.
“Additional bridge width and length will likely be provided to meet current traffic demands as well as hydraulic and environmental considerations. MDT is currently evaluating horizontal alignment options for the structure. Traffic control, impacts to private property, impacts to the fishing access site, as well as other considerations, are included in the evaluation,” the release states.
The project will require new right-of way and utility relocation, and MDT will contact all affected landowners prior to doing survey work on their land. MDT will also contact landowners before construction begins, regarding property acquisition and temporary construction permits.
MDT strongly encourages public participation in the project, according to a press release. Opinions, comments and concerns may be submitted in writing at the meeting, by mail to Shane Stack, Missoula District Preconstruction Engineer, MDT, Missoula District Office, PO Box 7039, Missoula MT 59807-7039, or online at
Comments and opinions need to be submitted by July 29 and should reference project UPN 6850.