Wednesday 8/17
7:19 a.m. Apparently, there is a dog living in a box “between two apartments” on Highway 2 East.
10:09 a.m. An Ashley Lake Road resident reported that their motion detector lights were missing.
3:20 p.m. A 9-year-old ran off alone down the Lion Mountain Trail after fighting with his sister. He was reunited with his parents (and sister) after he had gone missing for 30 minutes.
5:03 p.m. A “messed up” woman in jogging shorts was seen stumbling down Highway 35 in Bigfork.
5:29 p.m. A Lakeside woman claimed that a sick man has been spreading nasty rumors about her.
5:52 p.m. A man driving a Jetta down Main Street reportedly had his lady friend in the passenger seat steer for him while he sent text messages.
6:23 p.m. A woman on Twin Lakes Road in Whitefish said her neighbor took her fence down again. She said when she confronts him about the trespassing and fence dismantling, he pulls a gun on her.
7:24 p.m. A Harmony Road resident complained that a vicious dog barked and “pooped” in his yard.
7:52 p.m. A woman at a Hungry Horse bar reported that she was slapped by the intoxicated woman who is attempting to adopt her kids. The argument broke out when the mother realized her 12-year-old daughter had been allowed to drive around the canyon area.
12:54 a.m. An employee at a Columbia Falls store saw a belligerent, stumbling drunken man drive poorly.