
Police Blotter

Flathead County Sheriff’s and Kalispell Police Reports

Little Drivers

By Christie Burns

Thursday 11/24

11:34 a.m. A Columbia Falls man reported that someone found the keys that were hidden in his unlocked truck and stole it.

11:37 a.m. A dad on Wyoming Street said a pit bull was circling his children. He yelled at the dog and it ran off.

2:08 p.m. A 17-year-old boy was hauled off to detention after threatening his mom with a chair and destroying her house.

2:11 p.m. A man was spotted stumbling down the railroad tracks.

3:14 p.m. A janitor, who thought he was alone in a Kalispell store, heard strange noises over the intercom.

4:15 p.m. A 14-year-old runaway and her friend hit the road with her dad’s money and her mom’s van.

5:43 p.m. Two stray dogs were reportedly rooting around in a Huckleberry Court woman’s garage. When she yelled at them, one of them attacked her.

6:40 p.m. A big dirty truck was seen swerving down Highway 2 West.

8:29 p.m. Two small children concerned a driver when they cut in front of him on Highway 93 South in their little motorized cart.

9:25 p.m. Someone called 911 to report that a driver with Alberta plates was tailgating and refused to pass.

10:37 p.m. A Kalispell woman reported that her roommate’s mom stopped by and, for unknown reasons, attacked her. She left shortly after and could most likely be found at Walmart.

2:05 a.m. A newspaper delivery driver reported that a large woman in an orange shirt stole the paper she had just delivered.

3:50 a.m. Someone thought it was weird that a woman on South Woodland Drive was honking her horn and wandering around the neighborhood.