Sunday 12/4
12:32 p.m. A man on Wettington Drive thinks that his ex has been creeping around and that his neighbor might allow her to hide at their house.
1:58 p.m. Someone complained that a deputy drove too quickly through an intersection.
4:27 p.m. A woman on Rising Sun Circle said that a kid shot a hole through her window with his bb gun.
4:38 p.m. A woman called in from a baby shower, worried because her daughter-in-law failed to show. She was found and perfectly fine.
7:33 p.m. An irate man on Mountain Meadows Drive complained that his neighbor was plowing snow into his driveway and ramming his fence. He had yet to confront his neighbor about the issue.
8:44 p.m. A woman on Liberty Street claimed that she and another woman have “mutual boyfriends.” Apparently, the other woman has been threatening her.
11:48 p.m. One very irritated man on 4th Avenue West complained about his arguing neighbors.
2:22 a.m. People were sleeping in the parking lot of the old Walmart.