
Police Blotter

Flathead County Sheriff’s and Kalispell Police Reports

Dog Attack

By Christie Burns

Monday 1/2

10:16 a.m. A man on Two Mile Drive said that his houseguest bought a bunch of pornography through his cable provider then left without paying for it.

10:44 a.m. A woman on Farm Road said that she was confronted by a collie while out walking her dog. She said the dog growled then attacked her dog.

12:09 p.m. A “fawn” colored vehicle was seen driving down Highway 206 at excessively high speeds.

1:43 p.m. Reportedly, a Taco Bell customer slammed their door so hard that it shattered.

5:55 p.m. A woman called 911 stating that she overheard three people say they wanted to put her in the ground.

6:33 p.m. Someone on Conrad Lane reported that the girl next door has been stealing cigarettes from his car and front porch, dishes from his kitchen and medication.

7:04 p.m. A woman on Ninth Avenue West complained that the people next door turned their music up after she asked them to quiet down.

7:53 p.m. Someone on 11th Street West thinks that the upstairs neighbor’s boyfriend, and possible a few other people, have “hacked” into her computer.