Tuesday 12/24
8:37 a.m. A Bigfork mom said that her adult child “scuffled” with her husband and put a hole in the wall.
10:19 a.m. An Evergreen man reported that a snowboard and four pillows were stolen out of his unlocked vehicle last November.
1:56 p.m. A man on Sunset Drive was accused of withholding food from a llama.
3:01 p.m. A small, white, fluffy puppy was found in Columbia Falls.
4:19 p.m. Someone renting a home in Columbia Falls reported that numerous people came to his house claiming to have paid rent and were ready to move in. The home owner denied advertising or renting the house to anyone else. Apparently, this is a Craigslist scam.
5:59 p.m. After stealing items from a Kalispell store, a young girl was dragged back to that store by her mother and forced to confess her actions and return the goods.
10:19 p.m. A Kalispell man reported that his neighbor threw a chunk of ice at his window then zoomed off down the wrong side of the road in his little red hatchback.
12:16 a.m. Reportedly, a restaurant owner in Bigfork asked a patron if she knew “who she was dealing with” after she complained of her poor dining experience on Facebook.