Monday 3/4/2013
7:57 a.m. Someone complained that a construction truck routinely passes a parked bus loading and unloading kids on Hodgson Road.
11:15 a.m. A Kalispell woman needed help catching her “barn kittens.”
11:55 a.m. A doubtful Columbia Falls woman received a check in the mail and suspects it is some kind of scam.
1:57 p.m. A Clover Leaf Drive resident reported that someone stole $4,000 in cash out of his unlocked truck.
3:12 p.m. Two parents called from Lake Blaine Road to report that someone sped through a school zone and passed on a double yellow line. One of the callers blocked the driver in at the school parking lot but was advised to move.
3:17 p.m. Someone reported from Electric Avenue in Bigfork that two boys were on a balcony shooting blue jays.
3:21 p.m. A man on Panoramic Drive reported that his iPod went missing over a year ago. He was advised to check out the pawn shops.
3:34 p.m. A woman called in to report a possible hoarding situation. She claimed that a friend believes a resident on Fairmont Drive may be hoarding cats and came to the conclusion after seeing a sign in their yard that read “kittens for sale.” An animal warden was unable to find evidence of cat hoarding.
6:03 p.m. A woman driving through Lakeside witnessed numerous kids throw a large black garbage can around a restaurant parking lot.
10:05 p.m. A resident of Forest Drive reported that the neighbors were playing basketball, keeping her family awake.