
LETTER: Who is the President Not Spying On?

By Beacon Staff

They say, “70 million French can’t be all wrong!” Not being satisfied with just Americans, President Barack Obama was spying on more than 70 million French phone calls and emails, as well. So, who is left? How do I know they’re don’t have a camera in my toilet bowl? The NSA now has email and telephone records of seventy million so-called allies? Who is running this White House? Will he please stand up, so we can get a better look at him? And why hasn’t any decent American worker in the National Security Agency reported this before Edward Snowden did.

Every one of the national security agents and employees who did know, should be fired, immediately. They contaminated our country for their paycheck. These are Americans who betrayed our right to privacy and their honor as American citizens, without batting an eyelash. Any person who has that juvenile idea that “America is special!” or “That it can’t happen here!” should put on eyeglasses, before they’re totally blind. Obama is guilty of a high crime, and should be removed from office before it’s too late.

This alignment of NSA and the White House is highly suspicious. The president has committed treason, not Snowden! Every American who can read, should go onto the Internet to see what took place to Germany in 1934. Under a manufactured crisis, Hitler dissolved the Congress, the German Constitution, and began the persecution of all religious people who called themselves Jews; then started World War II. If you’re “a too-smart-to-be-fooled” liberal, you’ll think this is nothing but a clumsy mistake on Obama’s part, or at most, a coincidence. If you’re smart, you’ll take your savings, pack your bags, and fly; if dumb, you’ll simply start a filibuster in the Senate.

Mike Donohue