Christmas tree permits from the Flathead National Forest are available for $5 each from Forest Service Offices in Kalispell, Hungry Horse, and Bigfork, as well as a variety of vendors across the valley.
This year the forest is only able to accept cash payments. Each permit is valid for one tree and there is a maximum of two permits per household. Commercial permits are not available.
Trees may not be cut in campgrounds or other developed areas, plantations, previously thinned stands and areas posted closed to Christmas tree cuttings. The permit must be fastened around the tree trunk prior to transporting your tree from the National Forest.
Forest officials are urging residents to select a tree that is three to four inches in diameter or less at the stump. The stump should be cut as close to the ground as possible, 8” or shorter. Do not cut the top of a tree or leave live limbs attached to the stump.
The Christmas tree permit is only for National Forest System lands. There are other privately-owned and industry-owned lands in the Flathead Valley area that may not allow Christmas tree cutting, so check the ownership of the land before you cut a Christmas tree.
For a permit or more information about vendors and cutting Christmas trees on the Flathead National Forest, please contact a local Forest Service Office: Tally Lake Ranger District/Supervisor’s Office, 758-5204; Hungry Horse-Glacier View and Spotted Bear Ranger Districts, 387-3800; Swan Lake Ranger District, 837-7500.