
LETTER: What Motivates the Opposition?

By Beacon Staff

This letter is focusing on the Republican and Democratic responses on just two major issues facing America: (1) The reform of America’s health insurance and health care system. (2) Actions necessary for clean and healthy air in response to climate change.

On health care: 40 years ago Nixon sent a special message to Congress proposing a Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan. Every president since Nixon has brought up this subject for debate and with suggestions for change. Revising America’s health insurance and health care system has been discussed in every administration ever since early in the 20th century, actually.

As to climate change: Just a few who have spoken out passionately and often on this subject, talking about the need for paying attention to climate change: Al Gore, Newt Gingrich, HW Bush, GW Bush, Carter, the Kennedys, Dan Quayle, Mitt Romney, Rand Paul, the Clintons and Barack Obama. The science and factual data over the years have proven beyond reasonable doubt that present human technological advances and our habitual practices are slowly suffocating our planet.

My point is this: We can see how the vast array of politicians talk about and seem to support the facts surrounding climate change and the need for an overhaul of America’s health care system, but which ones are willing to support the changes and take actions necessary to facilitate these changes?

On health care, President Obama had the courage to launch change and to take action. On climate change, we’ll see how this all plays out with the Keystone Pipeline as an example.

Why, with Obama’s leadership on these very important issues, is there so much resistance from one notable political party? Is it prejudice? Anger? Fear? Big money interests? Possibly it is all four reasons.

What can we do about it? It seems to me that my part in it is to be clear on what motivates my dearly held attitudes and opinions and in this way can advocate more effectively for what is best for all of us.

Bob McClellan