By Tim Baldwin
Amanda Curtis, the Democrat Party’s choice to finish Sen. John Walsh’s collapsed race for U.S. Senate, tries to distinguish herself from Rep. Steve Daines by stating she will represent the middle class and Daines will not. Evidently, Curtis is eager to contradict all that Daines supports and believes this approach will win her the election.
I’ll give Curtis this: she is bold. She documented, through video, her thoughts during the 2013 legislative session; but in those videos, Curtis proudly criticizes Christians who use the Bible to state political positions, makes fun of people who advocate protecting themselves with firearms, and mocks the idea that the family unit is a sort of government to itself. Not a good attitude toward those middle class folks.
Just as oddly, when commenting on Walsh’s plagiarism debacle, Curtis attacks Rand Paul (R-Ky.) by accusing him of plagiarism in his speeches (instead of reproaching Walsh’s wrongdoing). This is very impolitic considering Paul is the most friendly Republican U.S. senator to several Democrat causes. Too, Paul is the only national politician that has cross-section appeal, making him the most viable 2016 presidential candidate. Before Curtis has even made it to D.C., she is working hard to undercut any support she may need from Republicans to get legislation passed for the middle class.
I know little about Curtis, but right away, I see her as a poor choice for such a high national office.
By Joe Carbonari
Amanda Curtis appears to be a hard luck girl who is climbing fast. She has obviously got energy and talent, and some helpful friends in politics. That’s all good. She will need some very close friends and some good advice.
She must win by running … running true and running well. In the end, if done, it will be a personal win, but one that we all will share. She will have represented herself, and us, well.
To do so, she must lay back on some issues. Learn. Even our best and fullest informed differ on critical issues of national and world import. Better to be “looking into it” than “from the hip,” and wrong. It’s a basic responsibility.
She should pick her advisors thoughtfully. Character counts. So does diversity. Differing viewpoints for a fuller understanding. The game, were she to win, is not bean bag. It should be taken seriously.
Again, Amanda Curtis need not win the seat to have served us well. She need only be true to herself, honest with the voters and disciplined in her enthusiasm. She can serve as an inspiration for some and as an example for all.
Political involvement is a choice. At times, it becomes a responsibility. Let’s get more of our best and brightest back in the game.