The inside North Fork Road is open between Fish Creek and Camas Creek, and from Polebridge to the Logging Creek Trailhead, but the middle section between Logging Creek Trailhead and Camus Creek will remain closed for the duration of the season, the National Park Service announced last week. Hikers and bikers may utilize the entirety of the Inside North Fork Road, but they may encounter downed trees in the section closed to motorized traffic.
Annual flooding has caused significant and recurring damage to the road, particularly near the Anaconda Creek and Logging Creek areas. Another area of the road, near the North Fork of the Flathead River between Quartz Lake and Logging Creek, is also an area of concern.
The river is beginning to undercut this section of the road due to sloughing of the riverbank, according to the NPS.
Recognizing the reoccurring nature of this situation, the park is researching potential engineering solutions. Once that process is completed, the park will initiate a planning effort that will include public involvement in the development of sustainable long-term solutions that increase visitor safety and protect park resources. An announcement will be released once the planning effort begins.
The Inside North Fork Road was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1996. It is a narrow, gravel road and use of recreational, towed, and low-clearance vehicles is strongly discouraged.