Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is seeking public comment on more than 50 fishing contests proposed statewide for the open-water season of 2015.
There are 16 contests proposed in Northwest Montana, including bass tournaments and fishing derbies. The sites include Noxon Rapids Reservoir, Flathead Lake, Echo Lake and Lake Koocanusa.
Participants must comply with state fishing regulations, including daily and possession limits. Most contests require catch-and-release fishing and participants in these contests may not keep any fish.
Applications for contests may be approved, denied or approved with conditions. Conditions placed on contests may help to minimize fish mortality, regulate harvest, reduce user conflicts or require additional access site maintenance when needed.
Click here for a list of proposed contests across the state. Or call 406-444-2449.
The comment deadline is Dec. 28. Comments may be mailed to FWP Fisheries Division, P.O. Box 200701, Helena, MT, 59620-0701 or emailed to [email protected].