7:45 a.m. A tenant reported that his landlord attempted to kick him out.
9:42 a.m. One earring may or may not have been stolen out of a vehicle parked on Breezy Point Avenue in Somers.
10:45 a.m. A Lakeside resident reported that someone rummaged through his unlocked vehicle, tore things up, and stole his jumper cable.
11:32 a.m. A wood burning stove was reported stolen from a rental property on West Reserve Drive.
2:07 p.m. A woman reported that her current tenant stopped paying rent and has totally trashed the house.
4:28 p.m. A woman called 911 from the Whitefish area complaining that cross-country skiers were on her property.
5:28 p.m. A woman was overheard belting out the words to a Tracy Chapman song and yelling about someone’s bright lights during an accidental call to 911. Amidst the singing and cussing, a small child picked up the phone and said “where ya at.”
9:49 p.m. A skittish animal was spotted on Grand Drive in Bigfork.