In answer to the ever-growing national debt and the obvious need for entitlement reform, Democrats are all rhetoric and no action. Similarly, Republicans have much to say about campaign finance reform and tax avoidance schemes used by mega corporations, but nothing is ever done. Neither party has the courage to address these issues. Democrats fear losing votes from entitlement recipients and Republicans fear losing campaign contributions from the top 1 percent of their constituents that enjoy tax avoidance legislation in exchange for their generous campaign donations. Lobbyists numbering 40,000 at last count are firmly entrenched in our nation’s capital and are all clamoring for special favors. The only remedy for this sorry situation that I see is to vote out of office all entrenched career politicians and replace them with representatives that are truly of, by and for the people. The two-party system no longer represents the working class in our nation. Both parties are beholden first and foremost to corporate cronies, bankers, billionaires, leftist unions and one worlders. Can candidates without party affiliation be elected to office? Until now, I think in most cases, probably not, but today incumbents of both parties are held in such low esteem, new blood may actually have a chance. I can only hope.
Bill Payne