Two-hundred-and-thirty-nine years ago, the United States of America declared freedom from Great Britain’s oppression and tyrannical rule with the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Since then, the Fourth of July sparkles as one of the most important days of the year for a country founded on the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
In the Flathead, July 4 is an important date for many reasons; of course we celebrate our independence, but we also mark the high point of summer, judge our crop growth, and take time to enjoy the summer with our neighbors at community events or just milling around our barbecues.
With such a plethora of reasons to mark the date, there are as many or more happenings throughout the valley, each with its own take on the holiday. With so much to do, we’ve compiled a chronological list of holiday events and activities to help you celebrate to the max.
So while we might have traded the rockets’ red glare and bombs bursting in air for impressive fireworks displays, the undercurrents that brought about the original Fourth of July are still there: We are a people who relish and flourish in freedom, and our celebration of this strengthens the foundations this country is built on.
So party on, grill the hot dogs, run the races, swim the lakes, and enjoy the explosive displays lighting up the night. It’s our day – let’s pursue happiness.
Fifth Annual Grateful Nation Montana Freedom 5K
Where: Bigfork, meet at former Brookies Cookies, now Brookside Yard
When: 8 a.m.
What: Celebrate our freedom and those who fight for it with this Fourth of July tradition in Bigfork. To register, head to
Free Pancake Breakfast
Where: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Bigfork
When: 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.
What: Pancakes, eggs, sausage, orange juice, a flag raising, and live music. A perfect precursor to the parade! Located at 121 Crestview Dr. in Bigfork.
Fourth of July Parade
Where: Downtown Kalispell
When: 10 a.m.
What: What’s a patriotic holiday without a parade? Join the community and enjoy the music, floats, and fun! For more info, call the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce at 406-758-2803.
Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Social
Where: Conrad Mansion, Kalispell
When: 11 a.m. (after the parade)
What: Another great tradition, the ice cream social offers free face-painting, music, access to the mansion grounds and more. Lunch from Porteus BBQ will be available for purchase. For more info: 406-755-2166.
Sanders County Independence Festival
Where: Sanders County Fairgrounds, Plains
When: 12 p.m.
What: A free, family-friendly event with food and artisan vendors, along with live music from Missoula and Kalispell artists. The festival ends with fireworks. For more info:
Fourth of July Parade
Where: Bigfork
When: 12 p.m.
What: Join in the patriotic fun during the parade, the theme of which is “Celebrating America’s Small Towns.” Entries for the parade close at 11:15 a.m. For more info:
Ducks for Bucks
Where: Old Steel Bridge, Bigfork
When: 4 p.m.
What: Watch as the toy ducks race down the Swan River, with first place receiving $200. Each duck is $5, or a six-quack for $25. Proceeds benefit the Bigfork High School Scholarship Program. More info: 406-837-5888.
Straight Up Racing Grand Monster Truck Show
Where: Montana Raceway Park
When: 6 p.m.
What: Watch as giant monster trucks compete at Raceway Park, followed by a fireworks display! For more info:
Fireworks Viewing at Lone Pine State Park
Where: Park Visitor Center
When: 9 p.m. – 11:30 p.m.
What: Get a bird’s eye view of all the fireworks going off in the Flathead Valley from this lookout point. Bring a flashlight, but please leave the fireworks at home! For more info: 406-755-2706.
Fireworks Cruise on the Shadow
Where: KwaTaqNuk Resort, Polson
When: 9 p.m.
What: Head out on Flathead Lake to watch the fireworks display from Polson, while also enjoying a full hors d’oeuvre buffet, drink specials, and live music. $50 per person; for more info: 406-883-3636.
Happy Birthday, Freedom! Party
Where: Crush Lounge, Whitefish
When: 10 p.m.
What: A big party to celebrate our nation’s freedom, likely while the fireworks still light up the sky. For more info:
July 4th Fireworks
Where: Whitefish Lake
When: 10:30 p.m. – 11 p.m.
What: One of the best displays in the valley, with viewing points all around the lake. A free shuttle from the O’Shaughnessy Center to City Beach starts at 7 p.m. For more info: 862-3501.